Saturday, December 22, 2012

Gotta Get My Big Girl Pants On

I wrote my last post about a week ago. Things have changed for me in the past week, but I still published it because I feel the ideas in the post have value.

I'm still talking to Guys A and B (lets call them JB and IM, from now on), but I am feeling much more for one than the other. JB hasn't returned from his trip to Indiana, so we're still only talked, but I've actually got to meet IM and see him in his comfort zone. I've met his parents, but invited to their Christmas.

Like I'm new to dating multiple people, I'm new to to concept of having to choose between guys.

I can't see a long term future with JB. Our beliefs are very different, I'm agnostic and he's a devote Christian. And while he says he values my opinions and thinks it's going to make for good conversations, I really can believe that it would be that easy . Even if he doesn't judge me, I feel that some of his friends will and his family. I can't pretend to be something I'm not, and I don't want to have to hide any aspect of myself.

We've already talked about sex and previous relationship. I look forward to having sex with my boyfriend, sharing that experience with him. In my view point sex isn't something that you should be ashamed of, it's just another aspect of life. JB regrets loosing his virginity and wants to remain abstinent until he finds a wife. I completely respect his decision, but it shows a serious clash in our opinions that can create tensions in a relationship, I don't want to become a regret if things didn't work out.

IM has an amazing passion for music. I have a wide taste in musical genres and while my tastes vary I don't have any real knowledge of the classics. IM does and his is enthusiastic to teach me. It's great that we can share that with each other. I like that he will just think of this perfect song that I have to hear. He's a normal guy and it's comforting. I can see him at family gathering and hanging out with my friends and there being no awkwardness.

His biggest issue is that he was cheated on by a previous girlfriend and the jealousy has already reared it's head. I truly hope that consistency, patience and honesty will help reassure him that if we take our relationship to the next level I am someone that he can trust.

Now I just have to approach this honestly.

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