Monday, December 3, 2012

Going Home

I went home this past weekend to visit with family and see some friends that I had gone too long without.

I made it out to my grandmother's place before she had made it home for work and I knew things would be different. Esspecially after my grandfather had passed this past October, but nothing prepared me to find the door locked.

To most that probably sounds crazy, but my grandmother's home was the one place everyone could go and feel welcome. You just walked in a said hello! You went to the fridge and got a snack, something to drink and just stayed a while.

My cousin was able to let me in the house, where I discovered a pleasant change! Grandma has Wifi! My aunt and uncle moved back home and got the house a connection, so I was able to pass the time very nicely.
I was a very good visit. I was able to see my younger cousins. My aunt and uncle, who was very impressed with the work done on my new tattoo. And I was able to talk with my granmother, which is something that I miss now that I am not living with her anymore.

She is the woman I try and model myself after. She's been such a strong role model, she raised her children and then a majority of her grandchildren, all the while being the breadwinner. The greatest compliment I could ever receive is being told, "You're just like Sue!" She's very important to me and I need to dedicate more of my time to our relationship. She is the one that encouraged my to go all the way across state for school! And she didn't make me feel like a failure when it didn't work out and I came back home. She understands my need for independence and doing things my own way whether it leads to success or failure.

When my aunt, nearly 50- years old and living back home with my grandmother (her mother) asked my why on earth I would want to move out to my own apartment. Grandma just threw her hands in the air and shouted "Independence!" Something she may wish that a few more members of the family had such desire for.

After I left the family home I made a pit stop in town and saw an old friend. Neither of us are having the easiest of times and it was good to have each other for a moment of support. There had been a time when I had thought that because our interests had diverged from one another that I had outgrown her and it was time to cut ties. I have not been an easy friend the past few months for her and the fact that she has no resentment toward me for it shows just how wrong I have been.

So what has this past weekend shown me? I most certainly need more of my family and friends in my life!

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